Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hey, remember when I used to blog?

I feel as though I owe some folks an apology. I've been neglecting My Life With Dogs. Hell, this is my first post since... well, it's been too long.

All of my reasons for not blogging are tired, half-assed excuses; "I can't blog in the morning because I have to take Peanut and HP to pre-school, and get some miles in before work at 1", "I can't write tonight because I just got home from work, it's 10 p.m., and I'd like to converse with Jen and watch some DVR before I collapse into bed", "I can't blog during my day off, because I need to get some shit done," and on and on.

And twitter. Don't get me started on twitter. At first, I didn't think that I would get into twitter all that much, but it's really sucked me in. A chance to be funny, poignant, sarcastic, whatever, in no more than 140 characters? I'm in.

If I'm suffering from writer's block, nobody on twitter notices until a new tweet shows up in their feed. On here, if I'm struggling for words, people notice because the same post stares them in the face until Jen posts our family shenanigans for the week.

Ironically, several of the people I follow on twitter are fellow bloggers. Folks like @DadGoneMad, @undomesticdiva, @MyBottlesUp, @amalah, @mommywantsvodka, @maggiedammit, and @cheekylotus make me laugh, make me think, and make me want to be a better blogger.

So; apologies to Jen, who has had to shoulder the load in keeping this blog entertaining. She has done a terrific job of making sure (at least weekly) that we're up to date. I've been slacking lately, and Jen's been keeping our online house in order. If I'd waited to blog much longer, she'd shut down my access. To the blog, stop it.

From now on, need a couple of laughs? More musings than Jen's weekly wrap-ups? I'm at your service once again, constant reader.

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