Thursday, June 7, 2007

Maybe I'm just old...

"Sand?! You ate sand?!" "What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is going on here?!" "Be the ball." Real tomato catsup Eddie?"

They just don't make 'em like they used to. Recently, I've gotten into a couple of discussions concerning the "quotability" of movies. Some of the "classic" movies from the 1970's and 1980's have the best lines ever. Movies like "Sixteen Candles", "the Breakfast Club", "Goonies", to name just a very few. Along with the movies quoted above, there are tons of highly quotable movies from this time frame.

I feel like this is not so much the case with films now. Even one of my favorite (and much anticapated) movies of 2006 had a very memorable line. But it was lifted from it's 1978 predecessor.

Don't get me wrong; I've seen and thoroughly enjoyed lots of current movies. I've also watched my favorites of these, over and over. But I can't find the commonality of quoting newer movies to/with people. It seems like the ones that everybody knows are the movies that I grew up with. Even people who are younger or older than I, recognize the older movies rather than new ones.

Is this because the writing was so much better back then? Was it because those movies weren't trying to be anything? Simpler times? Nostalgia? It's a mystery to me.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or am I dwelling needlessly on something that nobody cares anything about? Feel free to share your favorite movie lines. There usually good for a laugh.


The Mrs. said...

It's funny that you chose to blog about this, as I was just thinking something similar the other night driving home. I heard Kenny Loggin's "Footloose" on the radio, and I thought to myself, "Man, they don't make movie soundtracks like they used to". Which then led to me realizing they just don't make MOVIES like the used to. So I totally get what you're saying here. What the '80s lacked in fashion sense they totally made up for in rockin' movies.

Anonymous said...

Despite the fact that I'm am fortunate enough to be exposed to "classic" movie quotations from Swanny numerous times per day, I do agree that they "don't make 'em like they used to." I would say however, that having seen "Knocked Up" last night....that movie will definately have some lines we'll be quoting for a while! I need to move to another chair....

zztopdog said...

Just read this. I think you're right. I don't understand it either. Even though there have been some awesome movies in the 90's and so far in the 2000's, they're just not the same. Too bad....