Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No need to adjust your screen...

You're seeing this image correctly...

This is a nearly ten month old baby boy trying to climb into the bathtub on his own.

That kid loves himself some bath time!  He RACES from his room into the bathroom to pull up to stand at the tub.  He loves to watch the tub fill, the toys float and as you can see is already trying to get in without mom.  

Remember when bath time was playtime not just a daily routine thing you went through before starting your day or ending it?  Here's hoping you can find a little more play in your ho-hum daily routine.


zztopdog said...

OMG! Cute cute cute! Is he crawling from his room? He's not walking, is he?

Becky said...

cuteness!!! seriously, he's growing up ALREADY!?!?!? What a doll!!! Little Dude LOVES his baths too! LOVES 'EM! He'd take two a day if I let him.

jen said...

Cruising furniture, grammy, but not really walking. He's a lightning fast crawler when he wants something though. And Swanny Jr would play in the bath all day too Becky!! :)

Anonymous said...

He is just getting so big. Enjoy him !
