There followed much holding still, some squirming, a small yelp, and then...
That's right, those are earrings. My little girl is now the proud owner of pierced ears. That sound you hear is the beating of my heart trying to burst from my chest while I stare down the barrel of the future. Ugh. Isn't there some way to keep them from growing up?
Just wait till she's 16 and wants to pierce he nose...tongue... belly button... eyebrow... kids grow up so fast!
She looks at minimum, three to four years older with the jewels sparkling in her ears. She's so pleased with herself though...
Yes, Jessica now has 2 tattoos and her lip pierced !! I could definately do without the lip piercing !!
Emily looks absolutely adorable. What a bid decision for her to make. Are you sure she isn't 18 in disguise? Deb
Nice bling, Peanut! I'm going to avoid showing these pictures to Shortcake only because I fear she'll want her ears pierced now too. I can only handle so much growing up in one week and her starting school has me pretty much tapped out.
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