Thursday, June 21, 2007

Look! Up in the sky!

Tonight while she was eating her Mac & Cheese, Peanut said to me, "Want to hear Superman, daddy." A little background: I've been a lifelong "Superman" fan. From the comics and the early '80's cartoons, to the Christopher Reeve movies and, most recently, "Superman Returns".

I can remember waking up early on Saturdays, as a kid, and watching reruns of George Reeves in "the Adventures of Superman" series. Superman Halloween costumes, t-shirts, action figures, everything. Tying a towel around my neck and racing around, arms outstretched, pretending to fly.

For several years, my obsession died down. The comics weren't as cool as they were when I was a kid. There hadn't been a new "Superman" movie in years, and the tv shows weren't much of anything. Then, in the fall of 2001, "Smallville" came along. This was a refreshing take on the old mythos, and it definitely got me interested again. More recently, in January of 2006, I saw this. It was like being 10 years old again.

Over the last year and half, I've been able to share my love for the "Man of Steel" with Peanut. It started with her wanting to listen to the music. She can pick up on the "Superman" theme song within the first few measures.

She has seen the new movie. Not all the way through, just some of the scenes with "Superman" in them. She loves asking me questions about "Superman", Clark, and Lois Lame (her words).

So tonight, when she wanted to hear the music, I was glad to oblige. Then, we went into the living room, and she said she wanted to watch "Superman Returns".

So we watched a few scenes, and played with her "Superman" puzzles. Then, I took the next step towards further warping her childhood.

That's right, I gave her a "Superman" action figure. She'll get far more entertainment out of it than I will.

Sorry Jen. But it could be worse; I could've worshipped professional wrestling.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you've shared your toys for once in your life. The joy on her face makes it all worth it, huh? And don't let Swanny try to fool you, he still runs around with a towel around his neck pretending he has a cape and can fly.

zztopdog said...

Do you remember the red Superman cape that Roswitta made you? You wore it to daycare and preschool nearly every day. I thought you might still be wearing it in high school; but, thankfully, you traded it for a drum major cape. ;)

Anonymous said...

Boy, does that cape bring back memories. Swanny would come to our house, and run all over, jump from chairs and the davenport. GGma Carol had to quite him down out of fear he would hurt himself.

What happened to the cape?

Make him a new one!


Anonymous said...

I just printed "Cutie's" picture holding Superman. Very good quality.

How come some of your pics are not very good quality? I would like to print more of them.
