Friday, October 12, 2007

Stronger than Kryptonite

Faster than a speeding bullet...
More powerful than a locomotive...
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...

But, apparently unable to fend off a chewing attack from a terrier mix.

Peanut had just received Superman from her Auntie this afternoon (he got left behind when we came home from Idaho). She'd had him in the house for about an hour when Maggie got ahold of him while Jen and Peanut were outside.

Farewell, Superman. We hardly knew ye.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to cry when Peanut asked me, "Mommy, have you seen my Superman?" Then I had to break the news to her..."Honey, I have bad news about Superman...." "You mean he's broken," she asked with big sad blue eyes...then she hung her head and walked away sooooooo sad and sniffling a little. Good thing Swanny stopped and picked her up a new one on the way home!

Swanny said...

No child of mine will go without a Superman.

The Mrs. said...

Tragic. There are no other words.

RIP, Superman. At least you got to see the mountains before your untimely demise.

zztopdog said...

You're a good dad, Swanny!

mountainmomma said...

So sad! This is a loss I know of as well, no thing is safe from our Spenser either, last year he eat Jeff's cell phone.